Sunday, November 20, 2005

Recap #4: Blogging and Me

Although I feel as if I've only scratched the surface, the semester is ending and I have to start finding a way to wrap things up. I've re-read my earlier posts and a few issues stick out over and over again. I'll be posting on them for the next couple of days. Please read on...

4. Blogging and Me - So, I spent the semester blogging on the possible relationship between technology and struggling writer's. I decided to present my findings in blog form for a couple of reasons. First, I saw a lot of information about blogs and blogging out there and I was curious about this new web technology. Second, I wanted the experience of actually blogging. Throughout the semester, I signed up on Blogger and set up my blog, then started researching.

When it comes to blogging itself, I am an absolute convert. I can see why this medium would be able to motivate students to write more and possibly better stuff. Writing for a blog feels like a combination of journaling and e-mail. However, it takes much longer than those activities since I have no way of knowing who is going to be reading my blog. I worry more about the content and whether I am getting my point across.

As for the technology side, I found it relatively simple. I believe that probably anyone with basic computer skills could set up a blog with Blogger. Some basic HTML helped a bit with changing and creating links, but I don't know that it would be absolutely necessary to have. I liked that as I was able to pick up more skills I could add to the blog and my posts. Another huge plus was that the site made it easy to change the posts even after I "published" them. This came in very handy since I often noticed that one last typo after posting, and was able to go back to early posts and add links when I figured out how to do so. Also, the help page at Blogger was a good resource. They actually anticipated most of my questions, though it sometimes took a while to find those answers.

Overall, I really liked blogging my research. It was a way to journal what I found and ask questions that might not have occurred to me if I just kept pertinent information on notecards or something. I do wish that more visitors had commented on the blog. I was able to answer comments (and did so), and it would have been interesting to hold a dialogue through the comments section.


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